

I'mPavitra Raut

I'mSoftware Engineer


Android (Kotlin & JAVA) developer based in Bengaluru. Experience of 3+ years results in brief knowledge of Android components, which further helps me to design & deploy stable & maintainable app.

More about me

My Works




  Utkarsh App is the One-Stop Learning Platform for students preparing for school & competitive exams with 5M+ registered users.


  • I was a primary developer for this app, so have worked on almost all the parts of the app.
  • Have also implemented new features like Poll in a live video, Option to extend course validity, simple login flow, etc.

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  Wonderslate is here to redefine the learning experience. WS eBooks and WS eBooks+ come with reading materials, audiobooks, videos, interactive quizzes, highlighting and analytics to assist in the learning process.


  • On this product also I’ve worked on most of the part.
  • Most importantly I’ve worked on revamping Resource page and Test generator page.

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  Giant Square & Grid Maker for Instagram allows you to split your Single photo into multiple giant squares, Panorama Photo Cut Effects for Instagram & Square Pic effect for Instagram & upload directly to Instagram.


  • Have extensively worked on revamping the Square Pic effect feature for better user experience.
  • Have also implemented new sub features in Square Pic effect feature
    • Able to select different backgrounds (patterns or gradient)
    • Option to rotate and flip image.
    • Option to apply different filter.

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My thoughts

My Blog

Animated splash cover
2 Feb, 2022

Should you start with Kotlin as a beginner coder?

I got this question that should I recommend learning Kotlin language to beginner coders, this is what I’ll try to answer in this …

Animated splash cover
11 Jan, 2021

Amazing animated splash screen (Kotlin and Lottie), How to?

This post is going to be beginner friendly so before starting let’s get few important questions’ answers like “What is splash screen” …

View binding cover
2 Apr, 2021

Learn basic View binding in 5 mins, The easiest way!

View binding is used for reducing nullability issues and layout related redundant codes in the class files. It auto generates binding…

Kotlin multiplatform cover
17 Oct, 2021

What is KMM? Is Multiplatform programming is going to boom!?

There are many multiplatform programming frameworks out there but let's find out what is KMM and how it is better than other frameworks…